
How long is a K-ETA valid for?

French citizens do not need a visa to enter South Korea. However, to travel to the Land of Morning Calm, French nationals will need to present a new document, the K-ETA: Korea Electronic Travel Authorization. This new pass is valid for residents of the 112 countries exempt from visa requirements for entry into South Korea. It is similar to an electronic visa and can be obtained subject to a number of conditions. These relate to cost, the information to be provided and, in particular, its period of validity.

How long is a K-ETA valid for?

Obtaining electronic authorisation to travel to South Korea allows any visa-exempt citizen to stay there for a number of reasons.

How long is a K-ETA valid, depending on the reason for travel?

The Korean authorities are making South Korea accessible as a destination for well-defined reasons. These include trips for :

  • a family visit
  • participation in events or meetings
  • a commercial activity with no profit motive
  • tourism.

This means that holders of this document can stay for the full period of validity offered by the K-ETA. In practice, this authorisation is valid for an indicative period of two (2) years. During this period, it is possible for the holder to make several trips to South Korea. However, the reasons for these trips must be the same as those authorised by this electronic sesame for travel to Korea.

Period of validity in the event of a change to the passport

Changes or input errors invalidate the initial K-ETA. In fact, as soon as the passport is renewed, the K-ETA is no longer valid. The same applies in cases where changes have been made to vital information in the passport.

It is therefore necessary to apply for a new authorisation if any major information changes. The information that requires a new application for Korea Electronic Travel Authorization is :

  • nationality
  • full name
  • gender
  • the passport number or expiry date.

In addition, if the holder's criminal status changes, a new application must be submitted. The same applies in the event of contamination by an infectious disease, for example.

Length of stay for a trip with K-ETA

It is possible to make several trips to Korea with the K-ETA during the two years of validity of the said document. However, it is not permitted to stay for the two years allowed for a single trip. The duration of a stay varies depending on the country of origin of the holder of the electronic travel authorisation for Korea. The duration is :

  • 30 days for nationals of 36 countries
  • 60 days for citizens of Russia and Lesotho
  • 90 days for 73 nationalities, including France
  • 180 days for Canadians.

For example, for a trip to Korea, the holder will have to return to his or her country of origin before the end of the period granted. However, it is possible to return for other trips before the authorisation expires.

General provisions relating to the K-ETA

Le Korea Electronic Travel Authorization came into force on 1 September 2021. From this date, travellers affected by this provision must complete this formality before leaving for Korea. This applies to nationals of 112 countries exempt from visa requirements for entry into South Korea. These are :

  • 8 African countries
  • 13 Nations of the American continent
  • 8 Asian countries
  • 43 nationalities from across Europe
  • 7 Nations of the Middle East
  • 14 countries and territories in Oceania.

In the context of Covid, this list is subject to change.

Applications are made online, via a website specially dedicated to this formality. Two documents are essential for applying for a Korea Electronic Travel Authorization. They are a scanned colour copy of passport and a colour digital passport photo.

The fixed cost of obtaining South Korea's electronic travel authorisation is KR₩ 10,000, i.e. 7 €. It should be noted that these fees do not cover any expenses relating to the preparation of the application for authorisation. They represent only the cost of issuing the K-ETA, which must be paid when the complete application is submitted. The application can then be examined and the authorisation issued within 24 hours. Once the application has been validated, the document will be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the applicant.

If the K-ETA application is rejected, the application fee will not be refunded.