
How long does it take to receive my K-ETA?

Famous for its fabulous remains and breathtaking landscapesSouth Korea is one of the best destinations in Asia to visit. With its majestic volcanoes and exceptional waterfalls, the Land of the Morning Calm is a magical place. However, visiting this destination now requires a K-ETA. Essential for travelling to South Korea, it is required of all European Union nationals. It is an electronic travel authorisation that can be obtained directly online. How long does it take to obtain this document? 

Time required to obtain K-ETA

If you're planning to visit South Korea, you should know that you can now do so without a visa. Required from September 2021, the Korea Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA) can be obtained by exclusively online. This authorisation specifically concerns visa-exempt travellers, for tourism or non-remunerated business purposes. If this is the case, you will be eligible to apply for the K-ETA. As with any administrative document, it takes some time to process.

In this specific case, the Korean authorities recommend that this request be made at least 72 hours before your trip. As a result, you will need to wait between 1 and 3 days for your document to be issued. In general, this time period also takes into account any additional documents you may need to add to your file. You can also track the progress of your application. You can do this on the Korean Ministry of Justice website.

K-ETA* targets

It is important to know that the K-ETA application does not apply to all countries. This procedure applies to nationals of 112 countries including France. Other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland and even Canada are also affected by this measure. In more general terms, this new authorisation applies mainly to Visa-free countries for this destination.

This also includes all member countries of the European Union and those in the Schengen area. It should also be remembered that this procedure takes into account the reason for your trip. If you are going to South Korea for a short stay, you will need to present this pass. Similarly, people on a tourist or family visit or travelling for unpaid business meetings fall into this category.

The documents you need to submit to receive your K-ETA

As you can imagine, the K-ETA cannot be obtained on the spur of the moment, without prior preparation. To apply for this authorisation, you need to submit a file. This takes the form of a virtual questionnaire that you will need to fill in. In particular, this form must contain information about your passport. You will be asked to state your nationality, full name and gender. You will also be asked for your date and place of birth and your passport number.

You must also enter your contact details such as telephone number, e-mail address and home address. In addition to this information, you must state your profession. In addition to this personal data, you will be asked to provide information about your trip. This will mainly contain information about your hotel and the reason for your trip. Finally, you will need to upload a recent passport photo and a scan of your passport.

Cost and period of validity of the K-ETA

Although it may seem like a simple formality, obtaining a K-ETA is not free. You will have to pay a fee of 7 € consular fees per application submitted. Since the procedure is entirely electronic, this money covers the cost of processing your application, to which may be added the costs of an intermediary agency. You should also be aware that your K-ETA is issued for stays of 3 consecutive months (for Europeans).

This document is valid up to 2 yearsThis is useful if you make a lot of entries. You will not need to reapply for a K-ETA. However, you must have a valid passport in order to benefit from this advantage. If your passport expires before your K-ETA, you will need to submit a new application.

* The authorities have announced that 22 nationalities will be exempt from the K-ETA until the end of 2024 as part of the "Visit Korea Year". I'll let you read our article.